About Jump Suit Group
Our Leadership Team
The Heartbeat of Jump Suit Group

We're insurance specialists, however, our expertise comes in the form of digital marketing. Jump Suit Group has been generating leads for independent insurance agents for over 10 years.
Because of our success, we've been endorsed by the biggest names in insurance

The Kangaroo Crew
Proven Results
Our case studies speak for themselves, and if they aren't loud enough, our clients will back us up. We pride ourselves on being the best performing marketing agency in the insurance industry, and we're ready to prove it.

We Care
Unrivaled Customer Service
We understand the importance of strong relationships, and as a result our top priority are our customers. Without them, we can't succeed. Our number priority is to ensure that every agent that engages with us is met with love, compassion and support. We want our clients to have zero doubt in their minds that they made the right choice for their digital marketing.

Leads Generated

Association Partnerships


Happy Clients Across The Country
Testimonials From Our Agents

Relationships with our clients are our top priority, with our goal to be there as a resource for them when they need us. Because of our emphasis on this, we have many clients who are happy to vocalize their success stories with Jump Suit Group!

Paul Murphy
President | Paul T. Murphy Insurance

April McBriarty-Weismann
Executive VP | HPM Insurance